FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules

After a landmark vote on February 26, The Federal Communications Commission officially classified Internet providers as public utilities. The new net neutrality rules were approved 3 to 2 among party lines. The rules ban high-speed Internet providers, such as Verizon, AT&T, and Time Warner Cable, from blocking websites, slowing down content from particular sites, or selling-off faster traffic speeds to the highest bidders.

Bandwidth Bottleneck Coming to an End?

It is predicted that that by 2017, there will be around 268 billion app downloads. The average person already uses 26 different apps per month. This growth is clearly driven by the younger work force, who use their mobile devices and tablets for both work and play.

The Growing Importance of Mobile Security

According to a report by CompTia, 28% of businesses view security as a significantly higher priority today compared to two years ago, and an even greater percentage of businesses expect the importance of security to rise in the next two years. The study also revealed that while many companies assumed a satisfactory level of security, they did not fully comprehend their exposure to potential security threats.

How to Engage Future Customers

An effective marketing strategy can often make the difference between making prospects customers and driving them away. It is important to engage your customers early and gain their trust. The key to a strong marketing strategy is to be in front of your customers, so that when they’re ready to buy, they are already familiar with you. Here are some tips on how to engage with your customers on a regular basis:

Technology Outlook for 2015

There are many things on our minds as we enter the New Year. For those of you running a business, a question on the forefront of your mind should be: What can we expect from the world of technology in the coming year? Because technology changes so fast these days, it’s important to be ahead of the game and be ready to adapt to changing times. Here is what to expect from the biggest technology trends in 2015:

Is Your Free Website Really Free?

Is your free website delivering maximum marketing results, or is your company spending far too much time and money into developing and updating a website that doesn’t lead to new customers? Here are the most important things to consider in order to leverage the most business out of your company’s website: Is your free website delivering maximum marketing results, or is your company spending far too much time and money into developing and updating a website that doesn’t lead to new customers? Here are the most important things to consider in order to leverage the most business out of your company’s website: